Diamond 3d rendering.



These intuitive readings have helped myself and others to shift from where you are to a ​more empowered place of progress.

These readings will shift your inner energetic essence when you read them. Each time ​you read them you will feel different. And when you take the action steps given, you will ​progress even further.


A lot of the time we are looking for what we need to do to change a situation in our lives. Some sort of certainty ​within the uncertain!

You know, those times when you feel like your world is caving in and you just don’t know what to do to get it to ​change. It could be a relationship, work, financial, health or all of them!

At this level you know that you are the key to the change you want to have happen. When the pain of it all is ​unbearable that is when you want it to change the most. For it to stop. Yet, please know this – You are not going ​through what feels like hardships for no reason – Your ‘Expanded-self’ / ‘higher self’ / ‘the Bigger you’ knows what ​you need to do for life to change. This experience is showing you how Powerful a Being you really are.

And it is not as hard as you think it needs to be for everything to change!

There is always a way through. There is always the bigger reason, realisations and Truth for why something is ​happening and then knowing what to do to change it.

These intuitive readings have helped me and others to shift from where they are to a more empowered place of ​progress or confirmation of what they too were intuitively feeling. These readings will shift your inner energetic ​essence when you read them. Each time you read them you will feel different. And when you take the sometimes-​small action steps given, you can progress even further.

I would love to help you shift forward now.


Your guided message will meet you where you are at and then gently move you forward. Or sometimes catapult ​you forward (all dependent on what your situation is).

You will receive a pdf document emailed to you.

What you will receive within your reading is:

  • Confirmation and clarity on your current situation
  • A ‘healing’ shift in your energy that will move you towards your goal or out of the seemingly stuck situation you ​are in
  • Practical and empowering steps on what to do to or how to change your situation from where you are now.
  • Future movement of what will happen because you have taken the practical steps.

Cost: $122 paypal.me